JHN Neighborhood Ice Breaker
Joplin Historical Neighborhoods (JHN) invited the Murphysburg neighborhood to cool off with a sweet treat on Saturday, September 1, at the Schifferdecker home.
Read about the progress of the restoration project. Learn about the history of the homes, life in the Victorian era, and historic Joplin.
Joplin Historical Neighborhoods (JHN) invited the Murphysburg neighborhood to cool off with a sweet treat on Saturday, September 1, at the Schifferdecker home.
Interestingly enough, two of the more distinguished names in Joplin had a common birthplace. Charles Schifferdecker and Joe Becker both were born in the region of Baden, Germany.
In the spirit of opening windows and taking in a breath of fresh air, seeing through both sides of the window pane, and the lost art of looking up at buildings, architecture has the power to positively influence the way we live and contribute to a better quality of life.
At the turn of the century, there was considerable conversation concerning women’s roles in society. By 1900, over four million women were in the labor force, receiving a paycheck.
Kansas was admitted to the Union in 1861 with no satisfactory liquor law in the statutes. According to Bader, the first temperance group organized in the region was the Central Kansas Total Abstinence Society during the winter of 1856.
On May 21, 2018, JHN honored the winners of the 2018 Joplin Fair Housing Month Poster Contest at the Edward Zelleken home.